Preparing Your Office for the Winter

Preparing Your Office for the Winter

Stay Happy and Healthy by Cleaning Your Office During the Winter Regularly

During the winter, keeping your office space clean becomes more difficult as winter grime from snow and rain is trekked into the office. The ice and snow turn into slush that makes everyone scowl while the rain creates gloomy clouds and views. In addition to the extra dirt in the office, you may also find your employees becoming ill more often in the winter as the temperature drops and germs spread.

To keep your office clean during the winter and your employees healthy, follow these tips on preparing your office for the colder months.


Disinfect Shared Spaces to Protect Your Health

With colder temperatures comes a greater risk of illness. According to Harvard Medical School, there is evidence that the chilly temperatures of winter suppress the immune system and increase the risk of infection and disease. As the flu and other illnesses spread, keeping your office extra clean from December through March is a good way to keep your employees healthy and working to their full potential.

Cleaning shared items such as phones, keyboards, and tables and also removing dust on a regular basis from individual spaces is a good start to keeping germs from spreading. Commercial cleaning companies are often scheduled for extra cleanings during the winter months to disinfect and help keep employees healthy. If you haven’t called your commercial cleaning company yet, it might be the right time to do so.


Deep Clean Your Carpets to Banish GermsClean your office carpets in the winter

Carpets and floors are germ sponges and get the brute of the elements each year. As employees step into the office with snow-caked shoes and ice-encrusted boots, you’ll notice your carpet or floors starting to look a little dingy.

On top of the dirty appearance, your office carpets and floors will be covered in those thriving winter germs. Cindy Gellner, M.D., from the University of Utah, says that bacteria, including E. coli, can be transferred from outside into your home or office from shoes. An important part of keeping your office clean and healthy during the winter is making sure your floors are cleaned on a regular basis.

Deep cleaning the carpets at least once a year, and preferably more, can help keep your carpets looking new. Vacuuming and steaming or sweeping and mopping your floors daily will help cut down on the germs as well.


Clean Your HVAC System to Breathe Clean Air

Dust, dander, and bacteria gets trapped within HVAC systems and air ducts during the winter. As we spend more time indoors during the winter, we breathe in more of the dust, mold, and bacteria that gets trapped in the system and pushed continually throughout the office. Allergies and illnesses can become a problem with extra dust and bacteria floating around in the office.

Calling a professional HVAC system cleaner can help keep your office healthy this winter by cutting down on bacteria and allergy triggers.


Wipe Down Your Windows for a Cheerful OfficeCleaning supplies you can use to clean your office in the winter

Keeping your employees’ physical health in good shape is extremely important, but you also want to make sure they are happy as well. During the winter, we see less sunshine, which can sometimes psychologically affect our moods. When the sun does shine in the colder months, make sure it isn’t blocked by grimy windows.

Calling an office cleaning company to come dust your window blinds and clean your windows can help ensure the light comes in bright and cheerful.

When the winter snow and ice hit and brings the winter illness and dirt, ensuring you are taking extra cleaning steps in your office is important. Keep your office clean and healthy by calling your local commercial office cleaners to schedule regular office cleanings. Your employees and your health will thank you for the clean office space.

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