Springtime Can Mean Allergy Time

Springtime Can Mean Allergy Time

Are Allergies Causing You to Miss Out on Crawfish Boils and Picnics? We All Know Pollen is an Irritant, but Here’s a Rundown of the Specifics that Highlight the Necessity of a Professional Cleaning

Watery eyes can be just the start of a long list of symptoms stemming from spring allergies. Pollen is the number one cause of hay fever, but pollen is a general term for all the spores that trees, grasses, and weeds contribute to the plant reproductive process. You can’t blame a plant for trying to fertilize, but you can minimize your exposure. Keeping your home clean and pollen free can help alleviate allergies and the sicknesses that come with it.


The Trees and Weeds Behind the SneezePlant that causes springtime allergies

While we all love the sight of a blossoming tree in spring, those very blossoms are the source of many common spring allergens. Here are some trees at the top of the list of usual suspects in Louisiana:

  • Cedar
  • Cypress
  • Maple
  • Mulberry
  • Oak

Trees aren’t the only ones to blame for all the hacking and coughing. Weeds can be just as potent and compel you to grab an extra antihistamine before you leave for the day. Not to be outdone, here’s a shortlist of some of the biggest allergy offenders:

  • Bermuda
  • Johnson
  • June
  • Perennial Rye
  • Timothy

Timothy, Johnson, and June may sound like three people you went to high school with, but these weeds should not be taken lightly. They can trigger allergies just as quickly as their larger tree brothers. If you’re prone to allergies, taking precautions and limiting time outside during allergy season is the best way to ensure a happy upper respiratory system this coming spring.


Keep Your Home Clean During SpringA woman sneezing from spring allergens

There’s no way to scrub down the outside world, but you can take steps to promote a healthy, clean environment inside your home or office. In fact, inside air quality is often five times as polluted as outside air. This means that your favorite blanket isn’t just effective at keeping you warm and cozy but also at trapping significant numbers of dust and common spring allergens. Along with furniture and blankets, friendly Fido the dog is, unfortunately, also to blame for the tracking of pollen into your home. When he plays outside, large amounts of pollen gets trapped in his coat before he re-enters the house. Luckily, there’s a solution to the indoor allergy blues.


Indoor Allergy ReliefA professional cleaner removing allergens

You may think you’ll be able to keep up with cleaning this allergy season, but once the first pollen grains are released, the task of upkeep will be too much to handle. Who has time to vacuum carpets, dust the house, and sweep the floors while pollen continues to mount? The task will seem never-ending, but D’s Cleaning Service is here to help. We’ll do all the jobs mentioned above and more to take care of the indoor cleaning while you go enjoy the beautiful springtime sunshine.

The best way to keep allergies at bay is to hire a professional cleaner like D’s Cleaning Service to remove as much of the pollen caught in your drapes, carpet, and furniture as possible. D’s specializes in both home and residential cleaning, so if your office starts accumulating dust and pollen this spring, contact D’s Cleaning for a top-notch spring cleaning. Just watch as your sneezing, sniffling, and coughing subsides when your home or office is de-allergized.

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