Remove Dust from Your Home by Checking 4 Forgotten Places

Remove Dust from Your Home by Checking 4 Forgotten Places

Remove Dust from Your Home by Remembering These Often-Forgotten Dusty Spots

Dust is everywhere. It lurks on family pictures, fireplace mantels, and bookshelves all the time. These easy-to-spot and clean areas are usually not a problem for homeowners as they can easily run a dusting cloth over the areas to remove the fine dirt. Dust, however, doesn’t just settle on items in open areas. Dust can be sneaky and continue to cause problems for your family such as allergy flair ups if not removed.


Dust Hides in the Vents

Take a look at your vents. Do you see some buildup on the vent covers? That buildup is proof that dust and dirt are being blown through your vents and throughout your home on a regular basis when and that your vent systems aren’t clean. If your family is experiencing heavy allergy symptoms, even during the off season, it might be a good idea to see if your vents need to be cleaned. Mold, dust, and debris can live in your vents and continually cause problems for your family.

To prevent heavy build up in your vents, make sure you regularly change the air filter on your system to help cut down on dust that blows into your home. Filters that are certified to stop dust, allergens, and pet dander will also help prevent unwanted dust from entering your house.


Dust Hides on Your Window Blindsdust hides on your window blinds in your home

It’s no secret that dust settles on flat surfaces like window blinds but knowing the dust is there and cleaning it off are two different stories. Window blinds tend to be a pain to clean. With so many slats and the strings preventing you from doing a clean sweep through, it’s easier for homeowners to turn a blind eye to the dusty window blinds.

On the other hand, dusty blinds can be a big eyesore and may cause some embarrassment when guests come to visit. To help keep your home and blinds dust free without the chore, a cleaning service may be the solution you need. Cleaning services such as D’s Cleaning Service, cannot only dust your blinds on a regular basis but also deep clean them to keep the blinds looking like new for longer.


Dust Hides on Your FansDust hides on your fans in your home

After keeping the fans turned off all winter long, there’s no question that dust has piled onto a fan’s blades. Flipping the fans on in the summer without dusting them first can end in a raining dust cloud. If there’s an extended period of time in which you don’t use your fans on a regular basis, be sure to dust them off before turning them on. A simple swipe over your fan blades can prevent dust from settling onto other surfaces and in your carpet.


Dust Hides in Your Carpet

Your carpet holds a lot of dust and dirt. While homeowners vacuum as often as they can to cut down on the dust within their carpet, there is only so much a vacuum can do. Even the super high-end vacuums with maximum suction power can’t remove all the dust and dirt from carpet when it is ingrained deep within. When it comes to removing dirt from your carpets and rugs, a deep carpet cleaning is the best way to go.

Professional carpet cleanings that focus on deep cleaning your home scrub, wash, and lift dust and dirt from your carpet with industrial grade machines. When you want your carpet to look like new and be as clean as when you first got it, call D’s Cleaning Service. Your home will feel 10times cleaner after your carpets are washed and the dust lifted.

When you want a clean house and better air quality, buckling down on the hidden dust and dirt within your home can make a big difference. Call D’s Cleaning Service if you need help keeping the dust at bay and see how we not only help you cut down on dust but also help keep your home cleaner overall.

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