Learn How to Remove Stains and Blot Your Way to Clean Carpets
Having any kind of carpeting in your home or business often leads to unwanted stains that you can’t easily clean. For most stains, you have to stay on your toes and tackle them quickly. For life’s little messes and emergencies, we’re giving you the how-to knowledge so you can remove some of the most common, treacherous stains.
How to Remove the Dreaded Red-Wine Stain
A red-wine stain can be the bane of anyone’s existence, business-owner and avid wine-buff alike. Maybe you’re lucky and only drink white wine, but unfortunately, not everyone does. Of course, when noticing a giant, blotchy red stain, it’s natural to panic, but you must stay calm. The sooner you tackle a wine stain, the easier it’ll be to remove it completely. With these easy steps, you’ll have no need to panic over that wine stain from your dinner or office party.
- With a dry cloth, blot as much of the red wine stain out of the carpet as you can.
- After you finish blotting the stain, pour cold water directly onto the wine stain. Doing this helps dilute what remains of the stain, making stain-removal a bit easier.
- You should blot the area until no more wine will come out.
- Now make a baking soda paste by mixing three parts water to one part baking soda and applying it to the stain and surrounding area.
- Once the baking soda paste is dry, you’re free to vacuum the now clean area.
How to Remove the Unwanted Pet-Stain
Owning a pet is all fun and games till you realize stains are unavoidable when owning a pet. It’s fairly normal for an animal to become sick or simply have an accident. From vomit, to feces, to urine, the messes must be cleaned one way or another. Oh, the things we’ll do for love. Pet stains are a relatively approachable stain whether it has dried or is still wet.
- First clean up the initial mess. If the mess is feces, pick it up with gloves and dispose of the mess. If the stain is wet, blot the stain to soak up the moisture without smearing or scrubbing it.
- Occasionally, the stain may be dried to the carpet fibers, and in that case the best way to treat the mess is to moisten it.
- Finish cleaning the area with a carpet cleaner. There are several types of carpet cleaners aimed specifically at pet stains.
How to Remove the Never-Failing Grease Stain
When we say “grease,” we don’t mean the famous movie starring John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John. Whether you’re at home or in the office, any place where food is found is susceptible to grease stains. From the drips from last night’s dinner to the greasy pizza your employee brought to lunch, grease is best cleaned as soon as possible.
- Try to blot up as much of the grease stain as possible before applying a substance that will absorb grease such as cornmeal.
- Taking a brush with stiff bristles, scrub the cornmeal into the stain to break it up.
- Apply a dry-spotter, made by combining 8 parts liquid dry-cleaning solvent and 1-part coconut oil, to the stained area on top of the cornmeal.
- Add more dry-spotter and then using an absorbent paper towel blot the stain to remove it fully.
- The stain should be removed through continuous blotting.
How to Remove the Irremovable Ink Stain
Ink is everywhere we go, from the receipts we gather to the photocopiers we use. It’s no wonder that ink gets just about everywhere. As hopeless as an ink stain may seem, even the most stubborn ink stain can be removed with the right tools and some elbow grease.
- First you should moisten the ink stain with either rubbing alcohol or a non-oily hairspray.
- After moistening the stain, you will begin to lightly blot the ink stain from the carpet and start to see the color transfer onto the towel. Repeat with a clean towel as needed.
- Once the area is stain-free, dab the area with a towel dipped in lukewarm water, fully removing the stain.
Life’s little messes are easily taken care of with intuitive use of everyday products and just a little bit of elbow grease. However, when the little messes become big issues, D’s Cleaning is here for you. We offer a full carpet shampooing service for when hard work just doesn’t cover it. We’ll return your home or office back to its clean state.